Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Oh, it's on...


Sorry. That was just me kicking myself in the ass.

I haven't blogged here for a while because I was too busy making excuses for why I couldn't work out.  I have been working out. I just haven't been doing it regularly like I said I would.  I know they're excuses, but honestly, sometimes I just want to scream because I can't seem to find 45 minutes to fit in a work out.  I seriously cry about it. It's not healthy, in any sense of the word.  I work a full time job and that leaves me at least 5 good hours every evening.  How is that not enough time??  What woman can't get a trip to the grocery store, dinner cooked, dishes done, laundry started, homework done, at least 20 minutes of family time, dogs fed, mail read, clothes changed and still have enough motivation to whoop Billy Blank's ass?  Is it just me? I will not be bikini ready by June 1 at this pace.  Not even short shorts ready.  Not even running in a tank top ready. Get your shit together, Sambo!!!

Okay, so I threw my back out.  That's never happened, right? I was smart and babied my lumbar region for a few days but then I tried to do little workouts like Yoga and stretching.  I did it as long as I could stand to and I avoided the things that were too much for my poor little vertebrae.  I did the heat thing. I did the stretching thing.  I even found a stretching technique that I use even when I'm not in work out mode.  I can't do it at work...at least not with anyone around.  But I used it when we were watching the super bowl at my cousin's and it really did relieve some of the tension.  I have Scoliosis.  I've had it since I was a kid but I went to a chiropractor for 6 years.  Apparently....it helped? Honestly, I think the back issues started at birth when my loving father refused to get me the braces for my legs and feet that the Dr. was recommending.  But I was a newborn, what the hell do I know about that?  It could have been the multitude of car accidents that I was involved in over my lifetime....only one of which I was the driver in...and it wasn't my fault, dammit. And the only other obvious and legitimate reason I could have back pain is the $4000 worth of sheer joy I had installed a few years ago...on my chest.  Go ahead, say it. I dare you.  I don't regret getting them.  I just think I was a fool for not being more in shape a very, very long time ago.  Then, the 'extra weight' might not be an issue.  My posture is terrible!  I do sit the majority of the day at work.  But I get up a lot. And I get out just about every afternoon.  I even have this little plastic thing at work that has pictures of exercises you can do at your desk so you don't get 'sore'. I'm a big high heal person too. I work in a professional atmosphere, people. I can't wear tennis shoes! Besides, a women's legs look much better when she's wearing a pair of heels. Common knowledge, right? So it's been almost 4 weeks and my back is still not 100%. It's slow going for now.  But I haven't given up.

I've decided that I'll stick to Tae Bo, Yoga and stretching until my back is ....back.  Yeah.  Well, I won't be doing the things that seem to strain my lumbar region the most. I'll be focusing on being more flexible.  I am setting new goals until I can get back to the weights and the plyometrics. My hubby even bought me some bands. I'm pretty excited to use those! But in the meantime, Carmen, Billy and Tony are doing a great job keeping me focused. By the end of this week I'm hoping I can get back to some intensity. The fact that my husband is more flexible than me...is really getting on my nerves. He's a weight lifter. He's tight all over. He's not supposed to be able to touch his toes.  He's not supposed to look better doing a warrior pose than me! So what, he can do oodles of pull ups and I can't do one.  So what, he can throw 50+lb. weights around and I'm still using my 10's.  If his muscles keep talking smack I'm seriously going to have to go ninja on his ass! It's on, Silver!!! I love that man. :-)

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