Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Here's to setting goals

Oh...hey...remember me, hard work and determination? I'm back!!!

For those of you that know how my life has sort of been turned upside down the last few months, my follow up appointment was last week and I was cleared for normalcy.  Doc said go ahead and get back to life so that's what I'm doing.  For those of you that don't have a clue what I'm talking about, trust me when I say I'm glad to be back! 

I've decided that I'm not only getting back to working out but I'm changing up a few other aspects of my daily life as well.  My goal is to cut the processed food out of my diet and eat better.  I imagine a lot of my hard to lose weight comes from the crap in a box or a can that becomes my dinner or lunch every day.  I thought about trying some diet fad or something but I know myself all too well.  My worst habit by far is coffee.  I dare say I may need a program to ween myself off that java!  It's as bad as a nicotine addiction, for this chick! I also catch myself wanting snacks during the day and I often reach for pretzels, tortilla chips or beef jerky.  Terrible, I know.  I can't afford to do what I want to do about my diet and I'm not quite disciplined enough just yet to start a 'plan' so my hope is to condition myself to eat better. Baby steps.  I also need to change up a few bad habits and routines.  I was thinking every month (or every week) I could have a 'theme'.  That theme would be the focus for the month....like..."no bread".  And I wouldn't eat bread that whole month.  I could do different categories at the same time, too.  Like "laundry"....and I could do at least a load a day. Wait. I already do that. Scratch that.  But I could do "laundry room" and focus on that room for the month whether it's cleaning, organizing, etc. I find that if I give myself goals to reach, no matter how big or small it's easier to stay on task.  If I just say to myself , "I need to do this", it won't get done. But if I write it down and a time line for when I want it done...bingo. So here's to setting goals. :-)

Working full time outside of my home makes it very difficult to do a lot of what I'd like to do.  Reality bites.  I often wish I could just stay home so I could get more done and spend more time with my kids.  Then I wonder if that's how it would actually be.  I am definitely someone that needs structure, discipline and routine.  I think tonight I'll grab a spiral notebook and start brainstorming.  I want to plan meals for the week. I want to dedicate workouts to certain days.  I want to dole out more responsibilities to my co-inhabitants. It wouldn't kill them to wash their own underwear, right? And anyone can cook, right? That's what Gusteau said.  I'm taking his word for it. I love that movie!! Ugh...squirrel!

I'm so easily distracted.

So Monday's are Tae Bo days, officially.  For now. I think I'll make Carmen Electra my Tuesday sweat session.  I'm so excited!!